Do you want to create your own antivirus by using notepad? and looking for a way of creating it? if you want it, so this is the best place for you. This article basically covers a short tutorial to create an anti-virus by using a notepad. Simply follow the steps below and create your own anti-malware. Even after doing all perfectly, if you face any issue so feel free to leave your comment. You will be responded immediately.
Antivirus is now very important for every computer. If your computer is connected to the internet so you must have an antivirus for protection. Actually, it is all because of huge growth in the number of internet users. As they are increasing. scammers, hackers, etc also becoming a part of the internet. So in this situation, now it’s necessary to have anti-malware. Otherwise, you are wise and you can imagine the losses after being scammed.
Well, don’t panic. There are many golden awarded antiviruses available. You can easily download and use it for your personal use. Almost, all anti-malware companies provide both free and paid versions. So, if you can’t buy, simply use the free version. Otherwise, you can get paid versions in different packages for better protection. But still, you wanna create your own antivirus so here we go.
How To Create Your Own Anti-Virus Using Notepad?
Before starting it, I would like to request you to follow all the steps perfectly.
Step 1:
Open Notepad and paste the below code.
@echo off title Antivirus echo Antivirus echo created by your name :start if exist virus.bat goto infected cd C:\Windows\system32 if not exist virus.bat goto clean :infected echo warning virus detected exit del virus.bat pause goto start :clean echo System secure! pause
Step 2:
Now save your file with the name of antivirus.bat. Also, “All Files” in Save as type column, as you can see in the below image.
Step 3:
Now you are almost done. Open your saved file that will look like the below image. Here press any key to continue. I will prefer to press the key “Enter”.
Your own created antivirus has now started to scan your computer.
So this was a very simple method for creating your own antivirus. I request you to please follow the all above steps very patiently. You might face the error while copying, pasting, or running the code. So be careful.
I also recommend you to check out third-party antiviruses that are available (free and paid both) on the internet. If you don’t get satisfaction from using your own created anti-virus, you can use them too.
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