How To Earn Money From Programming

Find out how you can make money from programming even if you're still learning web development or coding. These answers are given in this post.

Hello Everyone, I am Rutik, Today I am giving you some top ways to Earn Money From Programming

Knowing how to code is a really valuable skill that could end up making you a lot of money. There are tons of ways when it comes to making money with code. The only thing that limits all the opportunities for you to earn money with code is your own creativity.

Most developers get inspired by the really successful companies that started out with just one developer and an idea. And that’s what most developers try to achieve accomplish as well for themselves.

However, the odds of you building the next Facebook or Uber are not in your favor. So let’s try to focus on some more easy and realistic ways to earn money with code.

How to start making money as a Programmer?

Before we discuss the different money-making methods, let’s look at a few fundamentals first.

First, whichever method you decide to focus on, always pick something you genuinely love doing. It’s that much easier to stay motivated when you’re enjoying the work you do.

And unlike with most jobs out there, these opportunities give you the absolute freedom to decide what to do and when to do it.

Second, everything you do online is scalable. Whether you offer tutorials, write blog posts, create online courses, or sell plugins or software, your income compounds with time. As more people find your content online, your chances of making a sale increase.

And third, bear in mind that none of these methods is a get-rich-quick scheme. They all require a lot of hard work until you can pay your bills with programming.

Always think long-term.

Plan out your work well in advance. Set clear milestones along the way. This will help you maintain your focus, knowing exactly what steps to take to achieve your goals.

Let’s get started!

How To Earn Money From Programming

Top Ways to make money with programming skills.

1. Blogging

As a developer, you can always start a blog in the programming niche. There are many ways to monetize a blog as a programmer, which include offering coding skills online and earning through affiliate links. However, you could also start posting at Medium.

If you’re passionate about writing I would highly recommend you start your own blog. It’s a great way to share your knowledge with other people.

You can start your own blog by publishing some programming tutorials about what you are learning or just learned. Keep posting updates on a regular basis about the progress that you’re making.

Start A Programming Blog: 

To get your own programming blog on its feet fast, you need to find a reliable web hosting provider.

Again, you want to plan out your blog well in advance. The last thing you want is to spend days and weeks creating content that doesn’t perform well.

As with all content online, your blog posts will perform best if they genuinely help your readers.

Bear in mind that there are hundreds of great blogs out there. You need to find the pain points of your target audience and provide them with solutions to their problems.

For example, I blog about topics that are relevant to absolute coding beginners. It’s my way of giving back to the community that once helped me start an entirely new career in GYAMA TECH. And I’ve never looked back.
Now, how can you make money with a coding blog?


2. Freelancing

It’s easy to offer your programming skills and services online. There are various online freelancing platforms where you could look for a gig. Find one that works best for you.

Freelancing comes with a bunch of benefits. You’ll not only enjoy flexible work schedules but also the freedom of working when and where you want. On top of that, you can grow your experience as a developer in freelancing platforms. Once you’ve built up some reputation you should be able to make a decent amount of money.

However, I want to make a side note here. Since there’s so much competition the rates are pretty low on these freelance platforms. I’d only recommend this if you’re just starting out and want to dip your toes into the water for the first time. Use these freelance platforms, not for the money, but just to gain additional experience and getting comfortable working with clients.

How To Make Money From Freelancing:

First, know what you want to build for your clients.
For example, if you love working with HTML and CSS, you’re obviously going to apply for front-end developer gigs.

Alternatively, if you’re good at Python, you may find tons of interesting jobs in back-end development or even machine learning.
Then, sign up with an online freelancing platform. There are dozens to choose from, but I usually recommend UpWork. The choice is yours.

Start by browsing through beginner-level job openings:
  • What skills do they list as requirements?
  • Can you find any matches with yours?
If you feel like you’re not ready to apply for small jobs yet, simply improve your skills in relevant areas based on your research. Once you feel confident enough, it’s time to start applying for your first job!

3. Work For Local Businesses

One of the easiest options is to ask family and friends. Try to find a few people that have a small business and that are in need of a new website or some improvements on their existing website.

If you’re just starting out as a developer and this is one of your first paid projects you could consider doing it for free. This way you can add the project to your resume to show other people what you’re capable of.

Once you’ve successfully completed the job you could ask your client if they know anyone else with a business who might be interested in your services. This way you can start building your network of clients.

If you really want to be proactive you could start looking for shitty websites of businesses that are near you. Come up with a better design or create the website upfront. Don’t just walk in and ask them if they need a new website, because the answer is going to be no most of the time. Provide value upfront!

4. Develop Apps

Apps have the potential to make you a lot of money. But there is a huge if-statement that has to be made here. In order to make money with apps, you need to have a good idea. If the idea isn’t that great, chances are that there won’t be any money made.

The best example of this is Flappy Bird. The app could have been made by a 13-year-old since it isn’t complex by any means. In fact, it could be a great starter project for you if you’re new to app game development. However, the idea of Flappy Bird turned out to be a fantastic one. It reported $50,000 dollars per day of advertising income at its prime time.

Note that most apps only last for a short period of time so it probably isn’t going to generate much revenue in the long run.

Apps For Andriod Devices:

If you’re building and selling apps to Android users, Java is your #1 programming language to work with.
The best thing about Java is that it’s such a versatile language. It doesn’t restrict you to just mobile app development.

Apps For IOS Devices:

Alternatively, if you want to target iOS users, you should learn Swift and Objective-C.
If you are serious about getting your first app on its feet quickly, you can create a very basic iOS app within a couple of days.
Just remember that you need an Apple computer to create iOS apps. The development tools required only run on a Mac.
If you can’t get your hands on a Mac right now, use a PC instead and create apps for Android users.

Once you’ve chosen your platform, proceed to do market research.

The best apps are simple. They solve a very specific problem for their users.

Here are a few questions to think about:
  • Who is your target audience? 
  • What’s their biggest problem?
  • How can your app solve that problem?
The best way to find ideas is to focus on a field you have experience in. The more you know about the topic, the easier it is to find pain points to solve with your app.
Keep your first app ideas simple and easy.

5. Make A Plugin Or Theme For WordPress

There are a lot of people that have a website but don’t know anything about coding. Those people often use a solution like WordPress. Since they don’t know how to code it’s hard, if not impossible, for them to change their website besides some standard configuration that they could tweak. These people rely heavily on the themes that are available on the marketplaces.

And this is where a great opportunity lies for you. You could create your own theme and sell it on a marketplace like Themeforest. Once you’ve built your theme you have the opportunity to sell it to millions of people all over the world.

You could also build a theme for Drupal or Joomla if you’d prefer that. However, note that these are less popular and used than WordPress. So if you don’t have a preference for either of these frameworks I’d suggest that you go for WordPress.

A lot of web pages are powered by WordPress around 35 percent of all web pages. This means that there is a high demand for great WordPress plugins that could improve a website.

If you’re a developer with some spare time, building a WordPress plugin can be a great way to make some money from home. And the best part about it is that it is pretty easy to get started.

The best idea for a WordPress plugin may emerge from the frustration and limitations of existing tools. However, you can make anything you would like to. From a donation plugin to a plugin that provides social share buttons.

You can choose to make it available for free, and earn the money through advertising or donations. But you could also go the route that most people take: a minimum free version with an option to pay for extra features. This is a very popular way to make some money with code!

6. Become An Online Educator

Being able to teach people online is a great skill to have if you want to make some extra money. Online teaching comes with great benefits for both the student and the teacher.

Although this one is pretty straightforward it’s probably only for those who are a little bit more experienced. When you have a topic that you’re very passionate about and you have the skills under your belt, you could start to offer coaching sessions to more inexperienced developers.

This way you can turn your knowledge into a winning combination by offering your services through one on one online coaching sessions. If you want to help more people in the same amount of time you could start group coaching.

I Suggest You To, Create A Online Course:

The best way to break through massive online learning platforms is to focus on a specific niche. Find an area of expertise, combine it with your tech skills, and see if there’s a demand for a course like that.

When you’ve built your course curriculum, it’s time to produce your content.

Once you’re all set up, the learning platform of your choice will take care of marketing and everything else. This means you can start working on your next course while the first one is earning you passive income.

7. Sell Your Own Ebook Or Programming Tutorial

If you’re good at something that others want to learn, why not help them?

These days, when someone wants to learn something new, they head online first. Thus, there are millions of curious people looking for beginner-level tutorials on www (World Wide Web).

So how do you get those eyes on your own tutorials?

Start by setting up your own website. Sign up for web hosting and register a domain first.

Then, set up a well-structured website. Feel free to code it from scratch or use a Content Management System like WordPress.

Follow a structured plan with your tutorials. Start with the very basics for a small niche topic. Then, proceed to more advanced concepts and topics.

In the beginning, it’s perfectly ok to simply record your screen while you work on simple projects. Add a few comments, helpful tips, and a voiceover for extra guidance.
Then You can sell them...

Make Money From Online Programming Tutorials:

You have a couple of options here:
  • Make money with display ads:
Sign up with a display ad network and populate your tutorial videos with a few ads. Every time someone sees or clicks an ad, you’ll earn passive income. If you upload your videos to YouTube, you can monetize them easily with the Google AdSense display ad program.
  • Sell subscription plans or memberships:
Set up an online shop and restrict access to your tutorials to members only. Monetize your content by selling lifetime memberships or monthly subscriptions.
  • Create an online course:
If you don’t want to spend time creating your own website, use a platform like Teachable or Skillshare to publish your tutorials as a course. They take care of most of the “boring” stuff, such as billing, which is a massive time saver.

Creating a tutorial website will take a lot of work. But once everything is set up, you can focus on marketing and growing your traffic.

Slowly but surely, you should start seeing your income increase as your audience grows.

8. Create A Software

The idea is quite straightforward. First, you find a specific market that you like working with. The people working in that field will be your target audience, so it helps to know as much as you can about them.

Coding software is all about helping others by solving problems for them.
Thus, you should find a specific issue you could solve for this target audience. Most often, you already know a few pain points that people are struggling with.
Remember to find out about your potential competition, too.
And don’t forget to work on your marketing skills. You need to know how to promote and sell your final product to the right audience.

One lucrative area for selling your own software is WordPress plugins and themes.
Platforms like Themeforest allow you to upload and sell your own WordPress themes to a global audience.

WordPress is the most popular Content Management System worldwide.

Needless to say, your potential target market would be huge, spanning across all industries around the world.

9. Create A YouTube Channel

We already discussed offering tutorials above, but YouTube is another great medium to make money programming with video tutorials.

If you haven’t already, check out these top YouTube Channels to learn programming and web development this year.

Find something you’re really good at. Make sure it’s also something you genuinely enjoy teaching others. Find out what beginners are struggling with within that area.

Then, record short videos of yourself solving those problems.

At first, it doesn’t have to be anything too fancy. You can simply record what you do on your screen and see how your viewers respond.

To make things easier for yourself, make a long-term plan for your YouTube channel. Figure out a logical learning path that you’ll guide your viewers along. Start with the basics, assuming your viewers know absolutely nothing about the topic.

Then, proceed to more advanced topics like building practical projects with code. In fact, that’s one of the highest-demand areas to focus on. Millions of people are learning to program online but most online courses lack a guided learning experience using real-life projects.

10. make your Own Project

Last, but definitely, not least you could create your own project that generates revenue. This has the great advantage that you could work on something that you really like which is always a good idea. The downside is that you could be developing an application that nobody blinks an eye to.

However, the goal of this is to build an app or website that provides some sort of product or service for people. This could generate revenue over time either by selling the product or service or by doing stuff.

So, What's the best way to make money?

Ok, you should have a nice overview of a few different ways to make money as a programmer. The next step is to find one or more methods you feel most drawn to.

Remember that there is no best path for making money with programming. You need to be aware of which methods align the best with how you work and what you know.

Here’s a short summary to help you combine your current skills and passion with programming:

1. Writing skills:
If you love technical writing, start a programming blog or write e-books to sell online.

2. Speaking skills:
Good speakers often make great teachers. Start a YouTube channel with video tutorials or create an online course.

3. Teaching skills:
If you’re a good teacher, you’ll know how to help others learn. Build an online course or offer tutorials on your website.

4. Design skills:
Are colors, typography, and layouts your thing? If so, why not combine them with your coding skills and become a full-stack web dev freelancer? Alternatively, you could consider creating beautiful website themes or templates to sell.

5. Project management skills:
If you can hold all the strings firmly in your hands, consider building your own software. Alternatively, you can start your own small web development service business.

The bottom line is to find things you love and excel in. Pair them with your tech skills and you’re all set.

And one more thing is to focus your efforts on only one money-making method at first.

There is no expert who can remain an expert without sharing their knowledge. So, keep sharing your knowledge with everyone.

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