How to Check Incognito History & Delete it in Chrome?

In this article, we are giving you information about, How to Check Incognito History & How to Delete it in Chrome. It helps you to delete History.
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How to Check Incognito History & Delete it in Chrome?

Web browsers normally save your private browsing history, also called incognito history, in order to buffer quickly when you access it again. However, third-party organizations are peeping on such data as well, such as marketers, brands, and agencies. They track your footprint of web browsing.

Many of us might think that the browsing history in incognito mode is not retrieved at all, but this is not true. There is a way in Windows Operating System by which we can see our incognito history and delete it. Many third-party applications are available on the internet for checking it, but we aren’t using any of these applications, we are going to see from DNS Cache using the windows command prompt.

So, the First thing is in your mind is...

What is DNS and How it works? And What is DNS cache?

DNS stands for Domain Name System. It converts the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of any website into its equivalent IP address.

DNS  is a device that records the IP address and their hostnames. So when you enter the name of a website in the browser, the browser will check the DNS server and get the IP address of the site to open it. 
For Example, All of us visit our favorite websites by typing the web addresses like, but your browser doesn’t understand this, the browser needs to know the IP address of the site you’re trying to visit. So when we type the web address in the search bar, the browser sends a request to the domain name system. As DNS gets a query from the browser, it matches the site URL to an IP address and returns back IP address to the browser. 
This entire process of communication between the browser and the DNS server gets recorded on your device even if you’ve used private browsing. If you read the DNS results, it will show the browsing history of your computer. And it’s pretty simple to see the DNS results you don’t have to be a bigshot hacker for this.

DNS Cache is the memory of recent DNS queries stored locally on your computer. It contains all the records of recent website visits so that when next time you will visit the same website, you can get a quick response from the DNS server. In short DNS cache speed up the process of matching IP addresses by handling the names of recently visited addresses before the request is sent out to the internet.

As DNS cache is stored locally on your computer, so we can easily view and clear it very easily using the command prompt. 
So, Let's start...

How to see Incognito History?

To see that history, Follow the below steps properly:
1] Open a command prompt.

How to Check Incognito History & Delete it in Chrome?

2] Type command ipconfig /displaydns to see a DNS cache history.

How to Check Incognito History & Delete it in Chrome?

3] Now you can see the detailed information about websites which are recently visited and didn’t show up in history.

How to Check Incognito History & Delete it in Chrome?

How to delete Incognito History?

To delete that history, Follow the below steps properly:
1] Open Command prompt.

2] Type command ipconfig /flushdns to clear the DNS.

How to Check Incognito History & Delete it in Chrome?

3] This will delete the DNS entries.

How to Check Incognito History & Delete it in Chrome?

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