Hello everyone, today we are going to tell you what is the right time to code, or what time to choose. If you like this information, please share it with your friends. Leave me a comment to improve my writing skills and subscribe by email for future updates.
What? Is there even a time for coding?
Yes, my friend!
Not only coding but there is definitely a right time to do everything.
What if I told you
"Hey! Start coding now!" Then, Some of you will refuse and some will even start.
Those who refuse will have some such excuse: I feel sleepy, now! or I want to go out with friends and I will start tomorrow.
So tell what's the perfect time to code?
So let's start...
As a programmer, I generally prefer to start coding after dinner and into the wee hours of the morning before heading to sleep almost all weekends. If you ask a random programmer when they do their best work, there’s a high chance they will admit a lot of it’s done late at night. Some earlier, some later. Some people are naturally not morning people, so they sleep till noon and work afternoons and late nights, still maintaining a healthy amount of sleep.
I love coding at night due to no constant interference when there’s nothing to disturb your aloneness. Coding during the day means having to deal with interruptions in the form of people, calls, texts, and life in general. But in the wee hours of the night, there is no one to disturb me, no social notifications to bug me, and I can code just the projects I want to.
The brain works best when it's late at night because it turns out that late at night/really early in the morning, the brain gets tired enough that it can only focus on one task, not on multiple tasks. There will be flexible and creative thinking.
When I code, I can clearly see how productive I am based on what time of day it is. I have spoken to many others about this very topic and notice that many people have different times that they are highly productive. For example, my friend is at his most productive after 5 AM; I am at my most productive after night dinner.
No matter the time you prefer to work, always keep in mind that developers need an adequate amount of sleep just like everyone else. If I don’t sleep, I tend to screw up more, so I always make sure that I have sufficient hours of sleep and a proper sleep schedule to prevent feeling burnt out and weakened during the day.
Knowing what time you are most productive is important.
Key Points:
- It is important to practice coding when you are at your peak performance time.
- It is important to take breaks so that you can absorb the material and continue your project unimpeded by your own exhaustion.
For me, There’s magic in the nighttime. The peace and quietness, the internal serenity. There’s just you, your work, and an infinite abundance of time. You are alone.
As a society, we know that smart, talented people work at night. Often in a lonely place, they solve problems mere mortals could only dream of.
When do you Code Day or Night? Comment Below...
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